About Us
We are a market leader and fundamentally focused on guiding, inspiring and encouraging young personsof ages 16-21 years who have needs around emotional, behavioural, bereavement, violent home environments, unaccompanied asylum seekers and learning difficulties to function more independently, working in transformative ways to make them more responsible citizens.
Our primary aim and driving forceis to empower young persons entrusted to us to realise their full potential through listening to them, be young people centred, involvement, andemploying caringstaff of professional and passionate conduct as well as adopting proven and engaging activities to stimulate their minds and self-worthiness. Our staff draws from a multicultural background, with talents and experience in working with challenging and vulnerable young persons with a view of transforming them. We utilise different methods and intervention techniques to reduce and eliminate the level and frequency of challenging behaviours.
Central to our service is thewellbeing of each of our young person. We pride ourselves in providing a homely, enjoyable, and comfortable living environment of shared accommodation. We provide tenancy support services to enable young persons to settle into a new home and address all anxiety in adapting to new home environment. We objectively set and adhere to providing a supportive, respectful and safe environment where young persons can thrive, learn, inspire and develop decision making skills and other life skills like housekeeping, responsible grocery shopping, budgeting, good personal hygiene and social interaction skills.