How we work

HOW we work – even thoughts are engineered

We have developed a model - EMD:

E – establishment or building a raptor with our young persons and all relevant support networks. Our relationships are guided by principles of mutual trust, respect, value, and honesty, consistently working to manage expectations and boundaries. We Benchmark our young person’s present skills and focus our efforts on clear achievable goals. Young persons are encouraged to be central in their development path.

M – maintain our relationships with young persons and relevant
organisations, constantly review our plans and keep them updated to suit the needs of the young persons. This ensures flexibility and adaptation to new ideas.

D – disengage by beginning to look at moving on to full independence whilst providing step by step guidance in making applications for future housing that is suitable and sustainable. We also Support young persons through the benefits applications and ensure that they acquire knowledge of the systems, their rightful entitlements.


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