
Who Are We?

We are a market leader and fundamentally focused on guiding, inspiring and encouraging young personsof ages 16-21 years who have needs around emotional, behavioural, bereavement, violent home environments, unaccompanied asylum seekers and learning difficulties to function more independently, working in transformative ways to make them more responsible citizens.

Our primary aim and driving forceis to empower young persons entrusted to us to realise their full potential through listening to them, be young people centred, involvement, andemploying caringstaff of professional and passionate conduct as well as adopting proven and engaging activities to stimulate their minds and self-worthiness. Our staff draws from a multicultural background, with talents and experience in working with challenging and vulnerable young persons with a view of transforming them.

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Our Desired outcomes for our
supported young persons.

Generally, and factually, for most people, the prospect of starting to live independently can be daunting, this is much vexingly exhausting and difficult for young persons. At TES, we have full grasp of these challenges and appreciate that majority of our young personsare lacking the maturity, confidence, and experience to lead independent lives. Consequently, we have established procedures to ensure that our young person gain the skills necessary to lead independent lives. Our one-to-one staff – young person interactions equip our young persons with skills and confidence to secure employment, get training, internships and pursue an education.

TES provided young persons the opportunity to compete and complete E-Learning courses. These courses have proven to be extremely successful and have enabled our young persons to achieve certificates and, hence enhancing their CVs. Health and Safety, Food Safety and First Aid are but a few examples of the courses our young persons can access.


Essential Life Skills

TES offers non-invasive in-house training to all young personsaiming to improve on self-esteem, education/ employment, basic survival skills and domestic chores. We are proudour ability to communicate effectively with our young persons and maintain a good record of their daily routines, including:

  • Demonstration of Cookingskills;
  • Shopping for food and essentials;
  • Budgeting and finance skills;
  • Cleaning and general housekeeping skills, and;
  • The necessity of good hygiene standards.

We excelled in instilling those skills into all our young persons. Additionally, we support our young persons to register with local GPs, Dentists, opticians as the need may be.


Employment and Career

TES supports young persons to gain meaningful employment throughsupporting them to develop their CV’s, offering career’s guidance, one-on-one assistance with job application forms. We a step further in our mission of securing employment for our young persons through support with job interviews, offer of internships, following on job interviews, re-skilling programs etc. We link with numerous recruitment agencies to seek job opportunities in different sectors say retail, customer service, construction, care sector and warehouse. TES promotes struggle and hard work, keep trying, explore, re-think and put into practice different avenues like volunteering, apprenticeships, training, college or pursuit of further education and other self-development programs to transform our young persons.

HOW we work – even thoughts are engineered

We have developed a model - EMD:
E – establishment or building a raptor with our young persons and all relevant support networks. Our relationships are guided by principles of mutual trust, respect, value, and honesty, consistently working to manage expectations and boundaries. We Benchmark our young person’s present skills and focus our efforts on clear achievable goals. Young persons are encouraged to be central in their development path.

M – maintain our relationships with young persons and relevant
organisations, constantly review our plans and keep them updated to suit the needs of the young persons. This ensures flexibility and adaptation to new ideas.

D – disengage by beginning to look at moving on to full independence whilst providing step by step guidance in making applications for future housing that is suitable and sustainable. We also Support young persons through the benefits applications and ensure that they acquire knowledge of the systems, their rightful entitlements.


Our Accommodation

Our wellbeingprinciple is guaranteed for each young person. This is central in planning comfortable living environments in shared accommodation for young persons

We proudly provide medium to long term housing for young persons aged between16-21 years old. Our accommodation is unisex, with strong emphasis on respecting gender sensitivity in meeting needs. We aim to achieve independent living, to enable care leavers to access to their own tenancy when they turn 18. Our primary goal is our young persons gaining confidence and practical skills needed for successful independent living, and we use positive guidance to facilitate the best outcomes for young people.

We pay attention to promoting our young persons’ full potential. A great many of them and encouraged to take further education, training for skills development or getting gainful employment.

Tenancy Support

We understand that moving can be difficult for anyone, especially for young people. The transition from our care to being independent can be a challenging experience. Tenancy support enables us to find an appropriate, affordable property for the young person. TSS will stay in contact and visit the young person on a regular basis for the first 6 months offering support. Tenancy support helps the young person to settle into their new home, ensuring the stability and continuity of the good practices developed with TSS.


Teens Support

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    TES has vast experience of working with young personswith a history of self-harming behaviours. All our staff is trained to supportively work with individuals who self-harm to mitigate the risks.

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    Our staff haveacquired extensive training and vast experience in working with young persons with a history of alcohol and substance misuse. We offer one to one support including in-house training.

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    We have vast knowledge and experience of working with young offenders and those with anti-social behaviours. Our staff work collaboratively with the local Youth Offending Service (YOS) and carries out regular engagement sessions which focus on:

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    We promote a ZERO tolerance policy. Werecognise the need to take a proactive approach to protecting young persons that are at risk of orare exposed to sexual exploitation.

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    Our staff haveacquired vast knowledge and experience in working with unaccompanied asylum seekers.

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